Support Maarja's Fight for Life-Saving Medications: A Legal Battle for Equality | Naerata Ometi MTÜ

Support Maarja’s Fight for Life-Saving Medications: A Legal Battle for Equality

Maarja, a young woman battling cystic fibrosis (read more about Maarja’s story HERE), has been denied funding by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund for her life-saving medications. In collaboration with our organization and attorney-at-law Jaanika Reilik-Bakhoff, Maarja has taken legal action against this decision. We have obtained temporary (interim) legal protection from the Circuit Court, meaning that the Health Insurance Fund currently covers Maarja’s treatment costs. However, a lengthy court battle lies ahead.

Why is this important?

We believe that the Health Insurance Fund’s refusal to fund Maarja’s medication may be unconstitutional. This case doesn’t just concern Maarja; it’s linked to standing up for health equality and the accessibility of crucial medicine for everyone. The court’s decision could bring much-needed clarity for similar future cases.

How can you help?

We need your support, primarily financial, to cover the legal expenses associated with this case. Your contribution will not only assist Maarja in her fight for her right to life-saving medications but will also contribute to a broader battle for health equality.

How to support?

  • Donate: Your financial support will go directly towards legal fees and other related expenses.
  • Share: Help us spread the message by sharing this campaign on social media using the hashtag #ToetaMaarjat.


Your support will not only change Maarja’s life but could also set a legal precedent that has the power to help countless others facing similar challenges. Together, we can make society more just! On 19.09.2023, an article was published in Postimees stating that, according to genetics professor Katrin Õunap, people should not be confused by the word “rare,” as there are quite a lot of different rare diseases. Neglecting their treatment results in a large number of disabled children. “Over 7,000 rare diseases are known worldwide. Therefore, we can say that in Estonia, every fifth person might encounter a rare disease either personally or through family members.” This demonstrates how vital this issue is! Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to justice for Maarja and many others. Together we can achieve more! Thank you for standing with us in this critical fight for health equality.

How can you help financially?

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