Help build a new house for a family who lost their home in a fire | Naerata Ometi MTÜ

Help build a new house for a family who lost their home in a fire

Dear friends!

Accidents happen unexpectedly. Last Friday, there was a terrible accident in Järvamaa Parish. The home of a young family burned to the ground. Nothing was left: they lost all of their documents, clothing, electronics and even the money the father had been saving up to buy a new car for the family. All of a sudden, a father, a mother and their three children were all homeless, and one of the children is not even of kindergarten age. As the old saying goes: a thief takes some things and leaves some things behind, but a fire takes and destroys everything.

The firefighters were at least able to save the neighboring buildings of the family home. Unfortunately however, they had no insurance policy for their house or the neighboring buildings.

We were on the scene ourselves and recorded this horrible event. What we saw and experienced, words can not describe. It goes without saying that the family and everyone who was present is in a state of complete shock. 

The municipal government is helping as much as they can, by providing the family temporary housing in a two-room apartment. With the help of generous people, we are able to give to the parents and children new clothes and necessary everyday items. Fortunately, a company has also promised to help rebuild the house.

In order to remove all damaged material and debris from the accident site and buy materials needed to build the house back up, we are asking for your kind help, friends. Let us help this young family get back up on their feet by collecting funds needed for rebuilding their home. Together we are able to achieve more.

How can you help financially?

Phone donation:

9008810 – donate 10 euros
9008850 – donate 50 euros

Bank transaction:

LHV Pank



Coop Pank

Beneficiary: Naerata Ometi MTÜ
Information: Jarvamaa polengu toetuseks

SMS donation:

SMS to number 13013 write Naerata poleng for donating 1,6 euros
SMS to number 13017 write Naerata poleng for donating 3,2 euros

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1-time donation

Donate with phone

No additional fees for call operators

9008810 - 10€

9008850 - 50€

1-time donation

Donate via bank transaction

Be sure to add your social security number to transaction description, if you want to get could get back taxes.

LHV EE167700771002598797
SEB EE101010220101993019
Swedbank EE672200221046387155
Coop Pank EE074204278613542000

Receipt: Naerata Ometi MTÜ
Description: Donation

1-time donation

Donate with SMS

Send message “Naerata” to 13013 and You will donate 1,65€

Send message “Naerata” to 13017
and You will donate 3,25€

Our friends-supporters! :)

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