Help Katrin, who is fighting stage 3 breast cancer | Naerata Ometi MTÜ

Help Katrin, who is fighting stage 3 breast cancer

Dear friends, summer greetings to you!

Naerata Ometi wishes to help Katrin, a mother of four children, who lives in Tallinn and is currently fighting third stage breast cancer. As of today, she has already had one breast surgically removed and she is receiving chemotherapy.

Katrin remains positive. She says cheerfully that she needs just one more small operation, then some more chemical treatment, lastly rehabilitation treatment – and everything will be fine.

“I live one day at a time. I live in the name of my children.”

Unfortunately, things are far from fine. As it turns out, her partner has used her ID card to take out a large amount of loans on her name, and has not paid the rent for the apartment nor the utility bill. The family is in danger of having their rent contract cancelled. Furthermore, they have to pay off debt collection companies and bailiffs with whom repayment schedules have been made. Adding interest rates, the total debt sum is 27 000 euros.

Katrin has been in communication with a social worker and local government officials; she has also spoken with a credit counsellor, who has supported the family with food aid and helped lower the utility bills. But even they are not able to help with everything. The family is forced to make do only with disability benefits and child support.

Katrin’s partner is incapable of helping them. He has problems with alcohol abuse and he is often unemployed. Katrin still has no idea where he spends his money. He only makes promises but does not deliver. He can get aggressive and threaten her.

The young woman has decided to separate from him and move with her three underage children to a small 12 square meter apartment (one room with a kitchen) which requires repair work. She received this apartment from her father, who is very old by now and can not help them in any other way.

This is where we turn for help to you, our kind-hearted supporters. We are collecting donations to help pay off the dept and for doing repairs in the apartment. This costs about 3500-4000 euros, and an additional 1000 euros to pay for the workers. If we would be able to help Katrin with even half of this sum, it would help her and her children greatly.

It will be quite the challenge to find suitable furniture for the apartment, because a 12 square meter apartment with a kitchen needs to fit a mother and three children. At this time, we are not sure what the cost of the furniture will be. We hope to find the right items or the funds to purchase them as a second step of the project, after we have consulted with a specialist.

Please help us share this information and help us find a specialist or company that has prior experience in handling such a project.

How can you help financially?

Bank transaction:

LHV Pank



Coop Pank

Beneficiary: Naerata Ometi MTÜ
Information: 4-lapse ema Katrini toetuseks

SMS donation:

SMS to number 13013 write Naerata Katrin for donating 1,6 euros
SMS to number 13017 write Naerata Katrin for donating 3,2 euros

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9008810 - 10€

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Be sure to add your social security number to transaction description, if you want to get could get back taxes.

LHV EE167700771002598797
SEB EE101010220101993019
Swedbank EE672200221046387155
Coop Pank EE074204278613542000

Receipt: Naerata Ometi MTÜ
Description: Donation

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Send message “Naerata” to 13013 and You will donate 1,65€

Send message “Naerata” to 13017
and You will donate 3,25€

Our friends-supporters! :)

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